Egg Pakora

Tamil Cooking Recipe

Kl;il gf;Nfhuh

rikay;: rrpfyh FkhuNty;

Egg Pakora

Author: Shashikala Kumaravel
Viewed: 5439 Times
Added: 12/28/2009

Egg Pakora by Shashikala Kumaravel

Njitahd nghUl;fs;

Ntf itj;j Kl;il - 4
fliy khT - 1 fg;
nghbahf eWf;fpa ntq;fhak; - miu fg;
nghbahf eWf;fpa gr;ir kpsfha; - 1
nfhj;Jky;yp ,iy - rpwpjsT
kpsfha; Jhs; - miu Njf;fuz;b
Nrhah rh]; - 1 Njf;fuz;b
jz;zPu; - Kf;fhy; fg;
vz;nza; - tWf;f Njitahd msT
cg;G - Njitahd msT


1. cg;Gk; kpsfha; nghbAk; fliy khTld; Nru;j;J ed;F fyf;fTk;.

2. jz;zPiu nfhQ;r nfhQ;rkhf fye;J fyitia fiuj;Jf; nfhs;sTk;.

3. eWf;fpa nfhj;Jky;yp ntq;fhak; gr;ir kpsfha; kw;Wk; Nrhah rh]; Nru;j;J

4. Ntf itj;j Kl;ilia vl;lhf ntl;bf; nfhs;sTk;.

5. thzypapy; vz;nza; Cw;wp #lhf;fp nfhs;sTk;.

6. Kl;ilia vLj;J fyitapy; eidj;J vz;nzapy; Nghl;L nghd;dpwkhf nghwpj;J

7. Kl;il gf;Nfhuh jahu;.


Boiled Eggs - 4
Gram Flour - 1 Cup
Finely chopped onions - 1/2 cup
Finely Chopped Green Chilli - 1
Chopped coriander leaves - 2 tbsp
Red Chilli Powder - 1/2 tsp
Soya sauce - 1 tsp
water - 3/4 cup
vegetable oil for frying
Salt to taste

Cooking Method

1. Add salt, red chilli powder to gram flour and mix well.

2. Add water slowly and beat the mixture to a thin paste

3. Add Chopped onions, green chilli, coriander leaves, soya sauce and mix.

4. Cut the boiled egg into small pieces (One egg into 8 pieces).

5. Heat oil in a deep frying pan.

6. Dip each egg piece in the batter and fry till golden brown in colour.

7. Egg pakora is ready.

cq;fs; rikay; Fwpg;Gfis ,q;Nf gjpT nra;aTk;

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