Chicken Perattal

Tamil Cooking Recipe

rpf;fd; gpul;ly;

rikay;: =

Chicken Perattal

Author: Sree Norainee
Viewed: 7568 Times
Added: 12/12/2009

Chicken Perattal by Sree Norainee

Njitahd nghUl;fs;



This is a recipe for 1 kg of chicken:


1 kg chicken

Items A:
4 onions/ 1 handful of shallots
4 Garlic Cloves
2 inches ginger (1.5 inch in diameter)
2 Candelnuts
1 inch Galangal

Item B
Oil for sauteing
Screwpine Leaves(Pandan Leaves)(Tie it into a knot)
Lemon grass(To be bruised to let the juices out)
Salt to taste
Curry Leaves
2 tsp Turmeric Powder
Tomato Diced into small pieces

Item C
4 tsp Plain Chilli Powder
2 Tsp Fennel Powder

Item D
2-3 tbsp Coconut
2 tbsp Corriander seeds

Item E
Cury Leaves
1 Tsp fenugreek seeds
some ghee/any vegetable oil

Cooking Method

1) Clean the can cut them into desired pieces.
2) Grind Item A to a fine Paste(u can add some water to the paste for
the chicken pieces to cook)

Cooking method:
3)First,Heat up oil in a wok and add item B.
3) Put in the chicken Pieces.Fry until aroma comes out.
4) Next add item A which has been ground.Add salt at this stage.
5) Add turmeric Powder to the chicken and also diced tomato.
6) Put a lid over the wok and let it simmer till the chicken is cooked 2/3.
7) Add Item C and stir well.Make sure that it doest get to thick .If it
does,you may add a little water for the gravy to cook.
8) In a seperate pan, fry item D until slighty brown.put fire slow or it
may burn the coconut.
9) Grind it in a dry blender finely.
10) add the ground item to the chicken and continue to stir.
11) Finally, fry Item E in a seperate pan till aromatic.Keep the fire low
or you may burn the fenugreek seeds.or else,it may give a bitter taste
to the chicken.
Add to the chicken gravy and give it a quick stir..

now its may eat it with white rice,briyani
puri,parata,chappati or even try it...good luck

p/s:to get the best results...follow the exact method .

cq;fs; rikay; Fwpg;Gfis ,q;Nf gjpT nra;aTk;

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