Tamil Cooking Recipe

rpf;fd; gpupahzp

rikay;: [updh gPtp


Author: Zareena Beevi
Viewed: 75775 Times
Added: 7/30/2009

CHICKEN BIRYANI by Zareena Beevi

Njitahd nghUl;fs;

Nfhop - 500 fpuhk;];
gh];kjp muprp - 500 fpuhk;];
ntq;fhak; ngupaJ - 4
gr;ir kpsfha; - 5
jf;fhsp - 1
Gjpdh ,iy - 1 rpW fl;L
japH - 100 kpy;yp
Fq;Fkg;G+ - 3 - 4 rpl;bif
Nfrup J}s; - 2 - 3 rpl;bif
kpsfha; J}s; - 1 Njf;fuz;b
Vyf;fha; - 2
gl;il - 1 ngupaJ
,ytq;fk; - 4
gpupQ;rp ,iy - 1
[hjpgj;up - 3
,Q;rp G+z;L tpOJ - 8 Njf;fuz;b
nea; - 2 Nki[f;fuz;b
vz;iz - 200 kpy;yp
ghy; - 50 kpy;yp
cg;G - 4 - 5 Njf;fuz;b
vOkpr;irr; rhW - 2 Njf;fuz;b


1. ntq;fhaj;ij ePskhf eWf;fpf; nfhs;sTk;.

2. jf;fhspia ePskhf eWf;fpf; nfhs;sTk;.

3. gr;irkpsfhia ntl;b itj;Jf; nfhs;sTk;.

4. Gjpdh ,iyia Ma;e;J fOtp itj;Jf;nfhs;sTk;.

5. Fq;Fkg;G+itAk; Nfrupj;J}isAk; #lhd Cwitf;fTk;.

6. muprpia fOtp jz;zPupy; miukzp Neuk; Cwitf;fTk;.

7. Nfhopia ngupa Jz;Lfshf ntl;b itj;Jf; nfhs;sTk;.

8. xU ngupa ghj;jpuj;jpy; 50 kpy;yp vz;iz tpl;L #Nlw;wTk;.

9. vz;iz Kwpe;j gpd;dH Vyf;fha;> gl;il> ,ytq;fk;> gpupQ;rp ,iy> [hjpgj;up NrHj;J xU
epkplk; tjf;fTk;.

10. ,jpy; jz;zPH NrHj;J ,uz;L Njf;fuz;b cg;Gk; NrHj;J ed;F nfhjpf;f tplTk;.

11. gj;J epkplk; fopj;J Cwpa muprpia NrHj;J NtftplTk;.

12. muprp ghjp nte;j gpwF> tbj;J jdpahf itf;fTk;.

13. xU ngupa ghj;jpuj;jpy; 150 kpy;yp vz;iz tpl;L #Nlw;wTk;.

14. ntl;b itj;j ntq;fhaj;ij kpjkhd #l;by; nghd;dpwkhFk; tiu tjf;fTk;.
,jw;F RkhH 15 - 20 epkplk; tiu MFk;.

15. ntq;fhak; tjq;fpaTld; kpsfha;j;J}s; NrHj;J 1 epkplk; tjf;fTk;. ,g;nghOJ
ntq;fhak; ,sQ;rptg;G epwkhf ,Uf;Fk;.

16. gpd;dH ,Q;rpg;G+z;L tpOJ NrHj;J NkYk; 2 epkplk; tjf;fTk;.

17. gr;ir thrk; ePq;fpa gpd;dH Nfhopj; Jz;Lfis NrHj;J 2 epkplk; tjf;fTk;.

18. ,g;nghOJ eWf;fpa jf;fhsp> gr;irkpsfha; NrHj;J 2 ekplk; tjf;fTk;.

19. gpd;dH Gjpdh ,iy NrHj;J 1 epkplk; tjf;fTk;.

20. japH> cg;G (2 - 3 Njf;fuz;b) NrHj;J ed;F fyf;fTk;.

21. ghj;jpuj;ij %b 20 - 30 epkplk; tiu kpjkhd jPapy; Ntfitf;fTk;. NjitapUe;jhy; miu
fpsh]; jz;zPH NrHf;fyhk;.

22. ,J Nfhopia 90 rjtpfpjk; Ntf itj;J ePUk;> vz;iz gpupj;J ed;F Fok;ghf;Fk;.

23. gpupahzp Fok;G jahH.

jk; gpupahzp nra;Kiw

24. xU ngupa ghj;jpuj;jpy; Ntfitj;j Nrhw;iw xU mLf;fhf gug;gp Cw itj;j Fq;Fkg;G+
ghiy ghjp vLj;J njspf;fTk;.

25. ghjpasT gpupahzp Fok;ig vLj;J gug;gpagb ,jd; Nky; Cw;wTk;.

26. Fok;gpy; cs;s ghjp Nfhopj; Jz;Lfis ,jd; Nky; itf;fTk;.

27. kPjKs;s Nrhw;iw kPz;Lk; ,jd; Nky; xU mLf;fhf gug;gTk;.

28. kPjKs;s Fq;Fkg;G+ ghiy njspf;fTk;.

29. kPjKs;s gpupahzp Fok;ig vLj;J gug;gpagb ,jd; Nky; Cw;wTk;.

30. kPjKs;s Nfhopj; Jz;LfisAk; vLj;J itf;fTk;.

31. vOkpr;ir rhiu njspf;fTk;.

32. ghj;jpuj;jpd; thia xU < ukhd nky;ypa Jzpia itj;J %b itj;J %lTk;.
ghj;jpuj;jpw;F gjpy; Ff;fiu cgNahfpf;fyhk;.

33. %ba gpd;dH 30 epkplk; tiu kpfTk; Fiwe;j jPapy; Ntfitf;fTk;.

34. gpd;dH neUg;ig midj;J NkYk; 30 epkplk; mg;gbNa jk; fl;lTk;.

35. %biaj; jpwe;J Nrhw;iw nkJthf fpswTk;.

36. Ritahd Nfhop gpupahzp jahH.

3 - 4 NgUf;F NghJkhdJ.


Chicken - 500 gms
Basmati Rice - 500 gms
Onion (large) - 4
Tomato - 1
Ginger Garlic Paste - 8 teaspoon
Mint Leaves - 1 small bunch
Green Chilli - 5
Chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
Cardamom - 2
Cinnamon - 1 large stick
Cloves - 4
Bay leaf - 1
Javitri (Mace) - 3 pieces
Ghee - 2 tablespoon
Cooking Oil - 200 ml
Curd - 100 ml
Saffron - 3 to 4 pinch
Kesari Powder - 2 to 3 pinch
Milk - 50 ml
Salt - 4 to 5 teaspoon
Lemon - Juice from half the lemon

Cooking Method

1. Cut the onion into thin straight pieces.

2. Cut the tomato into thin straight pieces.

3. Cut chillies into halves.

4. Separate mint leaves, wash and keep it separately.

5. Soak saffron and kesari powder in hot milk, and set it aside.

6. Clean the basmati rice in water and soak it for half an hour.

7. Cut chicken into large pieces.

8. In a large vessel, heat 50 ml of oil.

9. Once the oil is hot, add cardamom, cinnamon, clove, bay leaf and javitri. Sauté for 1 minute.

10. Add required amount of water and salt (2 tsp) in the vessel so as to cook the rice.

11. Boil the water for 10 minutes.

12. Now, add the soaked rice and half cook the rice. (This is very important). This may take approximately 5 to
minutes, depending upon the heat.

13. When the rice is half cooked, switch off the heat, filter the water from the boiled rice and leave it aside.

14. In a large vessel, add 150ml of oil and the ghee. Heat it.

15. Add the cut onions and cook it in medium heat, until it turns golden brown. This may take 15 to 20 minutes.

16. When the onion is cooked, add the chilli powder and sauté for 1 minute. This turns the oil into light reddish

17. Now add the ginger garlic paste and cook for 2 minutes.

18. When the raw smell of ginger garlic paste fades, add the chicken pieces and cook it 1 to 2 minutes.

19. Now add the cut tomatoes and green chillies. Cook it for 2 minutes.

20. Add the mint leaves and cook for 1 minute.

21. Now add the curd and salt. (2 to 3 tsp, depending upon the taste). Mix it well.

22. Close the vessel with the lid and pressure cook for 20 to 30 minutes in medium heat.

23. This will cook the chicken to 90 percentages, and oozes the water out of the chicken and separates the oil.

24. Biryani gravy is ready now.

Now to make Dum Biryani

25. In a large vessel, add a layer with half of the cooked rice and sprinkle part of the soaked saffron milk.

26. Take half the portion of the biryani gravy and spread over the rice layer. Take half of the chicken pieces
the biryani gravy and keep it over the rice layer.

27. Now spread the remaining portion of the rice over the gravy.

28. Sprinkle the remaining portion of the soaked saffron milk.

29. Now spread remaining portion of the biryani gravy and chicken pieces over the rice.

30. Sprinkle the lemon juice over it.

31. Cover the mouth of the vessel with a thin wet cloth, and close it with a lid. You could also use a large
cooker instead of a vessel.

32. Pressure cook for 30 minutes in a very low flame.

33. After 30 minutes, switch off the flame and leave it for another 30 minutes.

34. Then open the lid and slightly mix the biryani.

Delicious chicken biryani is ready. Good to serve for 3 to 4 people.

cq;fs; rikay; Fwpg;Gfis ,q;Nf gjpT nra;aTk;

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