Bottle Gourd Juice

Tamil Cooking Recipe

Riuf;fha; I{];

rikay;: kzpkhwd;

Bottle Gourd Juice

Author: Manimaran
Viewed: 5951 Times
Added: 6/10/2009

Bottle Gourd Juice by Manimaran

Njitahd nghUl;fs;

xU 1 mb ePsk; cs;s Riuf;fha;.


xU 1 mb ePsk; cs;s Riuf;fhia ghjpahf mWj;Jf;

kPjKs;s ghjpia Njhy; rPtp mjd; tpijfis fisaTk;.

gpd;dH Riuf;fhia rpW Jz;Lfshf ntl;b kpf;]papy;
300 kpy;yp jz;zPH miuf;fTk;.

ed;F miue;jTld; tbfl;bapy; tbf;fTk;.

,ij fhiyapy; ntWk; tapw;wpy; Fbf;fTk;. gpd;dH 2 kzp
Neuk; vJTk; rhg;gplf;$lhJ.

Riuf;fha; I{]; my;rH> tapw;nwupr;ry;> fh];biub];
Nghd;w tw;wpw;F ey;yJ.


One long Bottle Gourd

Cooking Method

Cut one length bottle gourd into half.
Peel the skin off.

Cut into pieces and remove the seeds.

Add the pieces of bottle gourd and 300 ml
of water in mixie and blend into juice.

Then filter with a coarse filter.

Drink it early morning in empty stomach
and donot not have anything for the next 2 hrs.

Bottle Gourd juice is good for Ulcer, Gastiritis,
HeartBurn, Kidney, Constipation, Piles, Heart Block

cq;fs; rikay; Fwpg;Gfis ,q;Nf gjpT nra;aTk;

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